Hello Beautiful By Shannon Ayers


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Greetings All,

It has been a while since I have blogged last. I have had some extraordinary experiences between now and then. My newest venture is continuing to build our Hello Beautiful By Shannon Ayers’ platform to encourage women and girls to understand their beauty by design and know their worth. In order to do this, I had to do some soul searching and introspection to understand who Shannon was and who she has become.

I have been fortunate enough to successfully interview several high profile individuals speaking with them about a recurring theme of, “Defining Beauty…Loving Me”. What I aim to show is that no matter what or who a woman is, we all share a kindred vulnerability that often time sits at the mercy of our life’s experiences. It is my hope and prayer that through Hello Beautiful By Shannon Ayers, we will discover and embrace together our value, worth and truest beauty by design.

As women, we share experiences that no man can comprehend. I know personally what it feels like to go into that secret place of joy and pain that often conflict with the ebbs and flows of life. I can remember making a lot of dumb decisions in the name of seeking love, acceptance and value. I made a complete and utter fool of myself behind men who were not worth it and some so called friends who meant me no good. How many of you can relate? I am fortunate to now have a husband, children and others who love me unconditionally. However, I have come to realize that the ONE who loves me best was and is always the KEY to understanding and embracing my true happiness, value and beauty by design.

From my early years all the way through college, I vested much time and energy into people who were broken themselves and could not give me that which I truly desired…love, acceptance and value. I remember familial woes, friends and boyfriends along the way that either let me down or I let them down. I entrusted the safe keeping of my heart and happiness in the hands of others instead of God and myself. One way or another, I was never satisfied due to my own incompleteness and lack of ability to insist on love the way I deserve even from myself. I am sure many would have their own opinions of what I lacked for them as well. By no means is this an indictment on my family, friends or ex-boyfriends. Some were jerks and some were decent but all were at some point dealing with their own shortcomings and insecurities.

What I have learned over the years through my many mistakes and bad connection choices is that it really is okay to love myself for who God designed me to be, flaws and all. One of my biggest weaknesses when it came to relationships with family, friends or boyfriends was that I often put their happiness above my own and adopted negative and/or judgmental opinions of me as fact.

With much introspection and many of life’s lessons of learning how to love me, I have come to the conclusion that I am indeed beautiful by design. Therefore, for every bad relationship, family troubles or mistaken connections, I am thankful for these lessons that led me to this place of helping other women and girls make their own discoveries of their value and beauty. I do not, by any means, consider myself to have arrived. This is a continual learning adventure that is now on the right course of discovering all the greatness that is within me and you. Additionally, what I do know now that I did not know then, is that I am worth the trouble and so are you.

Therefore, I say to “US”, HELLO BEAUTIFUL and welcome to understanding who we were designed to be.

Blessings and Inspiration,

Shannon Ayers Speaks

Visit us at Hello-beautiful.org and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for our latest video releases at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM-7TU2PPITJDcd8GO3pTqg



Come and celebrate our God given beauty as we encourage, uplift, inspire and empower at the Hello Beautiful Women’s Conference Atlanta 2019.

Great speakers! Great entertainment! Great Food! Great Fun!

Get your lady friends, church friends and family alike and come be a part of this extraordinary event.

5 vendor spots left!

Sponsor a beautiful lady today!

Men are welcome!

For more information send inquiries to Hellobeautifulwc@gmail.com

Hello Beautiful Women’s Conference


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Hello my fellow readers. I am so excited to invite you to be a part of a fabulous experience, the “Hello Beautiful Women’s Conference, Seeing Your Beauty Through God’s Eyes”.

This has been a vision of mine for many many years. As women, we experience so many self-image issues, some starting in our youth and carried throughout adulthood. Some struggle with obesity, scars from molestation or rape, medical issues, infidelity, child abuse, love loss, verbal abuse, abandonment, divorce, low-self image or maybe you just need a pick-me-up kinda girl power to be motivated, inspired and/or rejuvenated.  When we look in the mirror, sometimes it’s hard to see beauty beyond hurt, pain or society’s standards of beauty.  If this is you, you don’t want to miss this event.  We will have fabulous speakers, a celebrity guest, fun activities, a little girl talk and so much more. Please stay tuned for more information.  Until then, you may fill out the form using the link below or call (770) 742-4080 for more information. Registration is now open!!!  We hope to see you there!


Blessings and Inspiration,


Hello Beautiful!


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“You have such a nice smile. Your teeth are beautiful. You look great today. I love that outfit. Now, those are some bad shoes, girl. Your hair is beautiful. May I touch it? You smell really nice…I always know when you have walked down this hall.  You don’t look your age. You have such a beautiful singing voice. You are naturally beautiful and look so young. Wow, you look great! I love the tone of your voice. You’re so pretty. You wear your weight well. You are always on point. You always dress so nice when you come to work. Go ‘head girl! You got it! Now that’s what I’m talking about. Divahhhhhh! You’re so talented. You are really smart/intelligent. You look sweet as sugar. You are such an encouragement.  The Lord has really blessed you. Your kids are beautiful and talented just like you. You have a beautiful family. I wish I had married a woman like you. You and your husband make such a beautiful couple. After all these years, you still look good. You are such a beautiful person. You inspire me. Your daughter gets her beautiful voice from you. Your girls are beautiful just like you. You mean so much to me. I love you so much. “

Image result for you're ugly   Image result for negative comments   Image result for not cute                                                        Don’t Mind Me.  I’m just listening to others.

“Dang, you sure have picked up weight. Wow, you have such a long chin. Girl, you cut your hair? I liked it better longer. You use to be so thin. So and so looks really great. Oh, but you’re okay too. You wouldn’t look good small like so and so. You should just lose a little bit of weight and you’ll be alright. I would have maybe put something else together a little bit differently, but you don’t look bad. Your face sure is round now. Isn’t so and so pretty? So and so is the best at such and such just like you use to be. Remember when you use to be a toothpick. Girl, dem babies sure done put some weight on you! You sure are some big! Remember when you use to have it going on. You sounded okay.” When sharing a great accomplishment, “Oh, that’s nice.” (Moving on to something else more important).

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Two drastically different sets of comments. I am sure most of you can relate to having experienced a little of both if not a lot. It sometimes depends on “that time of the month” as to what I choose to believe the most and/or accept. As crazy and over-the-top as some of those comments may be, these are actual statements people have taken the liberty to share with me unsolicited. Some have boosted me up and others have hurt my feelings and made me feel, “some kinda way” about myself.

It wasn’t until most recently that I began to really think about how I felt regarding my social media image and what I want to project to my family, friends and the world. What do I mean by this? Surely, I already have an established reputation on social media that is pretty positive for the most part. But you and I know there is so much more to it than just that. I have selectively chosen certain pictures to post and others not so much. I may have looked a bit heavier than usual or my hair just wasn’t quite right. There are some pictures that I feel really embarrassed about because I do not look like I use to when “others” thought I was attractive. Now, it’s hard to take a really good picture worthy enough to share without agonizing over it first.

When looking at the pictures and videos that I have been tagged in and/or posted myself as of recent, I have concluded that my focus is all wrong. Those pictures memorialize such a blessed, encouraging and inspiring time that it really is least important how short my hair is or how much weight I have gained. No, I don’t look like I use to, but very few do. We all have our best and worst moments but should focus on what really matters instead of being so consumed with “peoples’” assessment of how we should look and who we should be. The crazy thing is that I receive way more compliments than I do criticisms and negative critiques. For some reason as women, the bad stuff always seems to stick best.

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My fellow readers, I am requesting your help. May we collectively turn over a new leaf in not buying into the negativity so easily and be willing to accept the positive as a source of encouragement to continue to do better. It does not mean that we should not accept constructive criticisms to do better and be better. However, we must realize that misery does not enjoy solitude. There will always be those that have a low opinion of themselves who wish to burden others with their low self-image by projecting onto us to feel the same way about ourselves. Okay, so can we stop taking the bait and enjoy what is left of our lives making the most out of each day we are blessed to rise. The naysayers will either look to us for encouragement and/or flee if we don’t continue to buy into what they are spewing. No more comparing our image and lives to others who very likely are feeling the same way behind a smile or what appears to be a great life. Somebody must grow up so that others will do the same. If we are all wandering in the wilderness of low self-image, what will we teach our daughters? What is the example we set? What will be our legacy of beauty and self-image to our daughters and young girls alike?

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I say to you, “Hello Beautiful! It’s nice to meet you! Care to join me?”

Blessings and Inspiration,


Shannon Ayers Speaks Again


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Greetings to all of you, my fellow readers. It has been a while since I have posted last. Life has been my much busier than time will allow. Nevertheless, I am truly encouraged by those of you that continually send me requests for more posts.  I must make a special mention of my dear friend, Ms. Alicia Cowans who has been one of my biggest supporters and have encouraged me along this journey.  I am ever so grateful for your support and viewership.  Please feel free to send me topics you would like to see covered.  In the meantime, be encourage, be inspired and be blessed.




Please be inspired to your greater self.

Blessings and Inspiration,



Most in present day associate the term “GLADIATOR” with Shonda Rhimes’ hit television show, Scandal. Many are referring to themselves as GLADIATORS all over Facebook and Twittersville, especially on Thursdays.  Who didn’t buy into the speech Harrison gave Quin? But are you really a GLADIATOR?


History tells us that GLADIATORS were used for sport by the Roman Empire engaging in arena combat with other GLADIATORS. More noteworthy, while a GLADIATOR’s status was considered less desirable, their unyielding spirit of fighting to the bitter end was an awe-inspiring gesture of audacity and triumph. When we think of a gladiator, we think of a beast of burden who has the fortitude, iron will and tenacity to remain an effervescent symbol of resilience and determination in combat to the death.

GLADIATOR is a powerful representation of what most of us would hope to be and others dare to consider…

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BUT GOD!!!!!


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quote-oprah-this-year-living-my-dreams-www-veooz-com1   Last year I was going through several ups and downs.  I was working on a new program on my day job with several obstacles (folk) in my way.


Fast forward to today, the experience I gained from working that new program is what qualified me for my current position.  Halleluiah!!!! While I didn’t see it at the time, God was preparing me for future blessings of which I now enjoy.  I would not have imagined myself in this place or space a year ago.  This is far greater than my previous expectations and prayers.


Have you ever worked so hard for something that appeared to be unobtainable?  I endured sabotage, backstabbing, and a whole host of other issues on my job which was a bit stressful to say the least.  I had gone through a very dark moment where I felt like I was the hamster in the spinning wheel just going in circles never to reach a destination.  BUT GOD!!!!!  Those that are closest to me were very encouraging.  I had to pray really hard to stay sane.

Now I sit looking BACK and REFLECT on that time and situation now knowing that God had a plan for me all along.  I had many moments when I just wanted to cry feeling so defeated and abandoned.  BUT GOD!!!


I say to all of you that are currently going through your own situation feeling like there is no end, God has already worked it out!  You just have to go through your season to learn and grow.


Just know that there is an end and you will look back on this moment at some point and say BUT GOD!!!!  Going through is exactly just that, going through.  That means you are not taking residence in your sorrow, misery or pain.  Payday is coming after while!!!!

I want to thank you for reading my posts and I pray to continue to inspire and encourage you just as you have inspired and encouraged me.

Blessings and Inspiration,

Shannon Ayers Speaks

The Power To Let It Go Part 2


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Now, let’s deal with the emotional/mental:

How many of you are being held hostage to the past or are just stuck in unhealthy relationships that serve no value but instead contribute greatly to your misery? How many relationships do you have that you are afraid to just let go?

We have to be the owners of our own heart and not give it away so easily to where it is unrecognizable when we get it back if we ever get it back. Sometimes it may be those close to us like a mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin…or maybe it’s a best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend. Some are even on their second, third, fourth, etc. marriages that give away a piece of themselves with each relationship constantly looking for love and validation in others.

The bottom line is that you get to decide the value of your heart and your own worth. Letting go does not always mean these people cannot be a part of your life. What it does mean is that you have to relinquish their power over your happiness and take control of your own destiny relying solely and completely on the Lord for guidance and direction. I know what heartbreak feels like to be rejected, lied to, cheated on etc. It doesn’t feel good at all. It brings you to a place of feeling like there is no recovery. In the mean time, the heart-holder appears to be going on with their lives not giving you a second thought. You allow yourself to be consumed with why other people do to you WHAT YOU ALLOW!

So, once you collect yourself and realize that you are worth more than what you rent yourself out for regardless of the relationship type, you must then LET IT GO! You have more power than what you exercise over your heart, your life and your surroundings.

So I say to you this day, LET IT GO!!! Take control, pray and do a lot of soul searching for what should be important in your life and the rest of that mess, just LET IT GO! “You can do it!”, is not just a cliche’ but it is a command that I will change to say, You must do it! So get’er done!!!!

Blessings and Inspiration,



The Power To Let It Go!!!!


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How many of us are in situations that we should have said goodbye to long ago?  Is it a job, relationship, hometown or school?  Sometimes it could just be as simple as a mindset or mentality of defeat, negativity, pessimism, depression or despair.

Let’s start with the physical:

The physical pertains to places and things.  Sometimes we find ourselves attached to places such as a childhood home, a job that has become a comfort zone although it lacks fulfillment, or enrolled in a school to which you have difficulty progressing.

You don’t want to move away from home because, well, it’s home and it’s safe or you don’t have much responsibility.  You don’t want to leave your job because it’s a steady paycheck or maybe you don’t think you can do any better or you just don’t think you’re smart enough.  Maybe you’re a student at a school that your family wants you to attend but you feel out of place or maybe you have been taking non-challenging courses just to say you’re in school.

At what point do you take stock of your life and make the adult decision that it is just time to LET IT GO!!!  We should always find ways to keep everything in our lives afresh and new.  It doesn’t mean that all things require a grand make over or should get the boot, but we should always look for ways to make our lives better or try to improve our surroundings.

So get out of mama and daddy’s house or some other relative or friend’s home and make a life for yourself as an independent and mature adult.  It is just time to take complete control over your life and start making things happen. You have no more room for excuses by allowing life to just pass you by due to fear or irresponsibility.

 It is just time to find employment that is fulfilling, stimulating and rewarding.  Even if you stay at the same job, find ways to challenge yourself by either taking a course or learning something new.  Just do something!!  As for school, get to a place where you are comfortable and that will help propel you forward.  If that school is not your choice and your parents are paying for it, at least find a major or course of study where you know you will excel.  Stop  letting folk talk you into the life they never had or think you should have.  Never allow someone to control your life to the point of unhappiness.  It is selfish of someone to put that type of pressure on you and you are cheating yourself to allow it.  That does not mean sit around and do nothing, what it does mean is that if something isn’t working find out what does and just do it!!

Part 2 continued on the next post covering the mental/emotional….

Blessings and Inspiration,





Live on PurposeYour PURPOSE should never out live you.  You should outlive your PURPOSE.  If you do, when it is your time to depart this life you have completed your mission and finished your business.  I believe that each day should be lived to our fullest potential. Anything short of that is cheating the world of what we can become and the contributions we can offer to our environment. Life is too short to waste it on living beneath our greatest potential and PURPOSE God has called on our lives.  Be Blessed!  Be Encouraged!  Be Inspired!

Blessings and Inspiration,

Shannon Ayers Speaks

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